Most frequent questions and answers
Appointments can be scheduled by either:
1. Calling 0118948008
2. Or simply fill in the “query form” on the website and we will get back to you.
At the first appointment the doctor will do a comprehensive general examination of your eyes, after a screening is performed by the assistant, and provide you with a plan for both the problem that you have been referred with and for any other problems that might be detected. If necessary a scan of the eyes will also be performed.
Most patients do not require an overnight stay.
In the unlikely event that overnight observation is required; an arrangement is in place with a nearby hospital.
All patients who undergo a surgical procedure will require a follow up consult normally done one to two days after surgery at no cost.
Non-surgical patients will be advised of a follow up date depending on the nature and severity of a problem.
Most patients will be referred by either an Optometrist or another doctor, but you are most welcome to contact the practice directly on 0118948008 for an appointment.
Give the doctor or assistant a full list of all the medication that you are taking so that you may be advised as to which to stop and which ones to continue.
On the morning of the surgery, your last meal should be a minimum of 6 hours before the surgery unless advised otherwise by ONLY the surgeon or the anaesthetic doctor.
The doctor will discuss any other preparations with you at the consultation.
Transport may be provided in cases of special circumstances. Inquire at reception.